
  • DISCOVER a user-friendly framework for understanding balance and imbalance, easy ways to identify where you need to intervene to create more balance, and practical techniques for achieving balance.

    Are you frantically juggling career, partner, children, as well as friends, social and other responsibilities? Are you desperate for more time, and sometimes feeling out of control, overwhelmed, or even emotional? If you answered yes to any or all of those, then this book is for you. You'll gain practical ideas on using your time and energy most effectively, as well as some smart juggling techniques for the many balls you are responsible for. You'll discover a wide range of coping resources, in the form of both knowledge and practical tips. You'll also learn to juggle those different roles without dropping balls, and without losing sight of yourself or your personal needs.

    Order your copy today!

    Paperback Version

    Order today and we’ll ship your copy to you (South Africa only — please add a book delivery fee of R99.00 to your basket on checkout; or collect at: The CBT Group, First Floor, Premier Health Centre, 13 Mackay Ave, Blairgowrie, Randburg.) + For US and all other countries, order the paperback version on Amazon. + Apply for bulk discounts here.

    Kindle eBook Version

    For the Kindle ebook version ($4.99 excl. VAT), order on Amazon.  
  • Learn the Essentials of Presence & Mindfulness—and more—through this online self-study program!

    The Essentials of Presence & Mindfulness online course will introduce you to the importance—and the practical competence—of presence and mindfulness. You'll be able to bring yourself back into the present as a way of dealing with runaway thoughts. You'll learn to meditate. The online course covers all the content of the live program and more! It includes excerpts from the book, plus exercises that are unique to this format! It’s easily accessible via laptop or mobile phone. There are audio versions of the downloadable documents so you can listen instead of reading, if that’s your preferred style. Plus you’ll have ongoing access to the material—including the guided meditations—once you’ve completed the course. What are you waiting for? Wherever your are, is the entry point!
  • Pay for a 30-minute online session with clinical psychologist, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) specialist and founder Dr Colinda Linde. NOTE This is for payment only and does not constitute a booking. To book, please contact the rooms at: Tel: 010 591 2223 (International: +27-10-591-2223); or Tel: 060 415 5938 (International: +27-60-425-5938); or Send an email to: Please use this option if you are an existing client who is opting for online sessions during the coronavirus-related restrictions on travel and social contact.  For a full one-hour session, click here
  • Pay for a full one-hour online session with clinical psychologist, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) specialist and founder Dr Colinda Linde. NOTE This is for payment only and does not constitute a booking. To book, please contact the rooms at: Tel: 010 591 2223 (International: +27-10-591-2223); or Tel: 060 415 5938 (International: +27-60-425-5938); or Send an email to: Please use this option if you are an existing client who is opting for online sessions during the coronavirus-related restrictions on travel and social contact. 
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